Bakery Franchise

Bakery Franchise
Australia Wide Bakery Franchise-SELL $250,000+sav.
No competition in the local area. Successful franchise.
Recipes adhered to by over 200 stores throughout Australia.
The store bakes and retails a delicious range of cakes & savouries.
All are baked on site. Perfect for special occasion cakes or just desert! 
The brand is backed by effective national & local advertising.
This store is located in a busy shopping centre of an outer Perth suburb. 
Perfect family business.Turnover $500,000 with good nett return. Secure lease in place.

Market Conditions & CompetitionN/A

Financial SummaryN/A

Training & SupportN/A

Reason for SellingN/A

Location State: Western Australia Category Bakery
Franchise for Sale

Weekly Revenue$0 Monthly Revenue$0 Annual RevenueN/A

Contact PersonLeeanne Price$250000 Year EstablishedN/A

Phone07 3106 3811 Cashflow$N/A EmployeesN/A

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